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Coronavirus Information

The park and play areas are now open but please remember to socially distance where possible and wash/sanitise your hands regularly, particularly before and after using the play areas. For the council's most up to date information about the coronavirus follow the link below.

Regent Park

Situated half a mile from the promenade on Regent Road, Morecambe LA3 1AG

Regent Park - Green Flag Award Winner 2019-20

Regent Park - Green Flag Award Winner 2019-20

Park facilities

  • A bowling green (with two home teams - Morecambe Bay Mixed and Moreambe Ladies)
  • Two children's play areas - one aimed at toddlers and a more adventurous one for children around 8-14
  • A cafe and social club which is open from April to September, Tuesday to Sunday. The cafe serves teas, coffees and hot food throughout the day. The social club requires a subscription to join, serves alcohol and has a pool table. The space is available to rent for functions - if interested contact Graham on 07713 461 561. 


The pavilion runs a bowling tuition centre welcome to everyone, equipped with a green friendly wheelchair for disability access for the public. For enquiries contact Graham on 07713 461 561.

During the Summer months the bowling teams play on a Tuesday evening, Wednesday afternoon, Wednesday evening and Thursday afternoon. 

Friends of Regent Park

Working together with Lancaster City Council they have created a masterplan for the future of the park. This has so far involved successfully receiving funding to develop a new play area which has significantly improved the appearance of the park and increased usage. Current projects the group are working on bringing to the park are:

  • Friends' Garden - This is a redevelopment of one of the old rose beds to turn it into a sensory flower area in which people can sit and enjoy some peace and quiet, offering another area in the park to cater for different age groups and preferences.
  • Walking Football - The friends have applied for funding to implement a new walking football team on one of the old bowling greens in the park. This area is still under development but it is hoped that later this year there will be an active group able to utilise the area.
  • Old play area - The old play area at the Osbourne Road end of the park will also soon be under development to mark it out for basketball use.

The group are always looking for new members to attend meetings and contribute, and volunteers to help out on work days around the park to the various improvements.

Take Pride in Your Parks

The aim of the Take Pride in Our Parks campaign is to encourage people to use their local park, take pride in its appearance and use its facilities.

If you want to join the campaign and take pride in your park there are a few simple things you can do:

  • Join a Friends group and become more involved with the upkeep of your local park
  • Dispose of your litter properly
  • Clean up after your dog - did you know you can put dog poo bags in any council litter bin and your grey wheelie bin?

Last updated: 22 July 2019

Lancaster City Council logogram

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