Disabled adaptations
Grants are available for residents to adapt their homes to help them stay safe and independent.
Adaptations can include:
- Provision of a suitable bathroom, such as providing a shower if you are struggling getting in the bath
- Providing access to toileting facilities, such as ground floor toilets and wash/dry toilets
- Improving access into your property, such as widening doors, ramps, rails and steps
- Help accessing rear gardens for drying clothes, playing or supervising play and gardening
- Provision of various types of equipment, including stairlifts, hoists, steplifts and through floor lifts
- Provision of assistive technology, such as automated door openers and smart heating/lighting
- Making homes safer for anyone with impaired vision or hearing, improving means of escape and removing dangerous obstacles
- Improving access around your home such as widening doorways
- Providing a suitable bedroom area for sleeping
- Providing access to a suitable kitchen, modifying existing layouts and facilities to enable food preparation and better access
- Improvements to your heating system to make your home warmer
- Improved access to driveways such as a dropped kerbs
- Air conditioning, where heat exposure can cause issues due to a health condition
- Control of power, light and heat such as relocating power points to make them more accessible
- Modifications which help a disabled person care for another person who normally lives with them
How to apply
Our Home Improvement Agency can assist you through the process of applying for grant assistance. This includes an assessment by an occupational therapist to confirm that the adaptations are required.
Disabled facilities grants are means tested based on your financial circumstances, however we can provide you with a no-obligation assessment to determine whether you are eligible.
To apply for assistance, or for more information, email hiaenquiries@lancaster.gov.uk or call 01524 582610.