Designations and constraints
The Lancaster district, and in particular its city, contains a large number of sites recognised for their archaeological interest. Many of these are protected by legislation and are designated as Scheduled Monuments. There are 38 Scheduled Monuments within the district. The Scheduled Monuments can be identified on the Council’s interactive map of heritage assets or Historic England’s list. Any works to these designated site will likely require Scheduled Monument Consent, which can be applied for via Historic England’s website.
Scheduled Monuments only represent a small proportion of the district’s archaeological interest. The Historic Environment Record (HER), managed by Lancashire County Council, identifies sites of national and regional archaeological interest.
Many important archaeological sites remain undiscovered and unrecorded and, as a result, it is important to ensure that an appropriate heritage assessment is provided with planning applications to ensure that proposals do not result in their damage or destruction.
Last updated: 04 July 2023